On the afternoon of Nov 28th 1940 Helmut Wick, commander of JG2 'Richtofen' Geschwader, scored his 55th victory over the Isle of White. He was playing a dangerous game with Werner Molders and Adolf Galland, a competition to see who could score the most! At this point he had drawn level with Galland and ahead of Molders but on his return to his French base he learned that Galland had claimed #55. He refuelled and rearmed and at 1530 led his Stabschwarm back to the Isle of White. Here they met spitfires of 609 squadron. Wick soon scored number 56 thus becoming the Luftwaffe's highest scoring ace. The victory was short-lived as the spitfire of Flt Lt John Dundas dived in from the west at an oblique angle taking the Wick by surprise. The eight browning machine guns hit Wicks engine and forward fuel tank and a second burst destroyed the tail surfaces..... the Bf 109 was doomed.
Unfortunately Dundas was unaware that Rudi Pflanz of the Stabschwarms second Rotte had come in to protect his commander and he fell to the Germans cannon almost immediately.
No trace of Wick or Dundas was ever found.
Unfortunately Dundas was unaware that Rudi Pflanz of the Stabschwarms second Rotte had come in to protect his commander and he fell to the Germans cannon almost immediately.
No trace of Wick or Dundas was ever found.
Just a quick note regarding the Bf109. Every other painting/drawing that I have seen of Helmut Wicks aircraft has a yellow spinner but after weeks of research I found a photograph taken the day he was shot down. Now, the photo isn't too clear but it does have a black spinner or at least dark green (or blue?). This could be due to degradation of the photograph but I don't think so as the rudder is very bright and light in tone. Apologies, therefore, if the image is not entirely accurate.